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Monday, August 19, 2019

Some Application of sensor in our daily life:

1.Automatic door, using the infrared microwave of the human body to open and close the door;
   2. Smoke alarm, using smoke resistance to measure the smoke concentration so as to achieve the purpose of the alarm;
   3. Mobile phones, digital camera cameras, using optical sensors to capture images;
   4. Electronic scale, making use of mechanical sensors (conductor strain gauge technology) to measure the pressure of the object corresponding to the variable in orde to measuring weight;
  5.Water level alarm, temperature alarm, humidity alarm, optical alarm, etc

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Humidity sensors

Humidity is defined as the amount of water vapour in an atmosphere of air or other gases. The most commonly used terms are “Relative Humidity (RH)
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These sensors usually follow the use of temperature sensors, as many manufacturing processes require perfect working conditions. Through measuring humidity, you can ensure that the whole process runs smoothly, and when there is any sudden change, action can be taken immediately, as sensors detect the change almost instantaneously. Their applications and use can be found in Industrial & residential domain for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems control. They can also be found in Automotive, museums, industrial spaces and greenhouses , meteorology stations,Paint and coatings industries, hospitals & pharma industries to protect medicine

Gyroscope sensors

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A sensor or device which is used to measure the angular rate or angular velocity is known as Gyro sensors, Angular velocity is simply defined as a measurement of speed of rotation around an axis. It is a device used primarily for navigation and measurement of angular and rotational velocity in 3-axis directions. The most important application is monitoring the orientation of an object.Their main applications are in Car navigation systems, Game controllers,Cellular & camera devices, consumer electronics, Robotics control, Drone & RC control helicopter or UAV control, Vehicle control/ADAS and many more

IR sensors

An infrared sensor is a sensor which is used to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings by either emitting or detecting infrared radiation. It is also capable of measuring the heat being emitted by the objects.
They are now used in a variety of IoT projects, especially in Healthcare as they make monitoring of blood flow and blood pressure simple. They are even used in a wide array of regular smart devices such as smartwatches and smartphones as well. Other common use includes Home appliances & remote control, Breath analysis, Infrared vision (i.e. visualize heat leaks in electronics, monitor blood flow, art historians to see under layers of paint), wearable electronics, optical communication, non-contact based temperature measurements, Automotive blind-angle detection.
Their usage does not end there, they are also a great tool for ensuring high-level security in your home. Also, their application includes environment checks, as they can detect a variety of chemicals and heat leaks. They are going to play an important role in the smart home industry, as they have a wide-range of applications
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Chemical sensor

Chemical sensors are applied in a number of different industries. Their goal is to indicate changes in liquid or to find out air chemical changes. They play an important role in bigger cities, where it is necessary to track changes and protect the population.Main use cases of chemical sensors can be found in Industrial environmental monitoring and process control, intentionally or accidentally released harmful chemical detection, explosive and radioactive detection, recycling processes on Space Station, pharma industries and laboratory etc.

Pressure sensor

A pressure sensor is a device that senses pressure and converts it into an electric signal. Here, the amount depends upon the level of pressure applied.There are plenty of devices that rely on liquid or other forms of pressure. These sensors make it possible to create IoT systems that monitor systems and devices that are pressure propelled. With any deviation from standard pressure range, the device notifies the system administrator about any problems that should be fixed.Deployment of these sensors is not only very useful in manufacturing, but also in the maintenance of whole water systems and heating systems, as it is easy to detect any fluctuation or drops in pressure.

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Temperature Sensor

By definition, “A device, used to measure amount of heat energy that allows to detect a physical change in temperature from a particular source and converts the data for a device or user, is known as a Temperature Sensor.”These sensors have been deployed for a long time in a variety of devices. However, with the emergence of IoT, they have found more room to be present in an even greater number of devices.

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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Different Types of Sensors

The following is a list of different types of sensors that are commonly used in various applications. All these sensors are used for measuring one of the physical properties like Temperature, Resistance, Capacitance, Conduction, Heat Transfer etc.
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Proximity Sensor
  • Accelerometer
  • IR Sensor (Infrared Sensor)
  • Pressure Sensor
  • Light Sensor
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Smoke, Gas and Alcohol Sensor
  • Touch Sensor
  • Color Sensor
  • Humidity Sensor
  • Tilt Sensor
  • Flow and Level Sensor

Types of Sensors Image 2

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